Vivian C. Georgali

Vivian C. Georgali

Head of Facility Management - Steelmet Property Services

Vivian Georgali is the Head of Facility Management of Steelmet Property Services since 2016. Steelmet Property Services supports Noval Property by providing a wide range of centralised real estate, property and facility management services. Noval Property is the 2nd largest Real Estate Investment Company in Greece and has a balanced diversified portfolio comprising 62 properties including shopping centres, office buildings, hospitality assets and warehouses.

Vivian holds a Master’s degree from Eidgenoessishe Technische Hochschule Zuerich ( ETHz) and Technical University of Athens, focusing on environmental design in Architecture and has participated in various architectural competitions on sustainability issues in Zurich and Athens.

She has worked in Viohalco since 2007 gaining significant experience in all development stages from concept design, construction Management, Facility Planning and Operation Management from small scale to larger scale projects, including “Butterfly” office building & “The Orbit” office complex in Athens.